Foster Me is a foundation based in the Netherlands that is dedicated to providing funds and resources to animal rescue organizations in Argentina that need urgent help.

Why FOSTER ME exists:

Argentina has millions of stray animals throughout the country. Animals are abandoned every day, and these animals produce hundreds more puppies and kittens. Street dogs who survive to adulthood face malnutrition, disease, cruelty, and in the case of females, the birthing of endless litters of puppies.

The combination of lack of awareness, weak animal welfare laws, and hundreds of illegal breeders exploiting animals makes the situation worse as many people end up buying animals instead of saving a life.

On top of all of this, the ongoing financial crisis in Argentina is intensifying the challenges faced by stray animals, leading to increased abandonments and neglect. Local rescue groups, already strained, have little to no resources to save lives. Now, more than ever, we need to come together and provide the essential resources to support these organizations in their life-saving efforts.

For all these compassionate people helping and for all the animals out there that need to be cared for, loved, nurtured and fostered, FOSTER ME exists. 

FOSTER ME’s Core Beliefs

  • Animals are not from the street: Stray animals do not belong on the streets, they are there because people have neglected them and there is no place for them.

  • Equality: All animals are equal, whether they are pure breeds or mixed breeds, stray or not. They all deserve love, compassion, care and protection.

  • Adopt don't shop: We strongly believe in adoption over shopping. Breeding thousands of cats and dogs for profit instead of saving lives should not be the norm. 

  • Responsible adoptions: This is a serious and responsible commitment, not until something else comes up. Irresponsable adoptions lead to even more stray animals suffering on the streets.  

  • By helping animals we help people: We can help low-income families to keep their loving furry companions healthy and safe. In addition, rescuing dogs and cats can prevent the spread of diseases and reduce poverty by improving human health and safety.

  • Stray animals are a social responsibility: They are part of our society and we will work in coordination with all the stakeholders needed to help them.

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