The story behind Foster Me.

I'm an Argentinean living in the Netherlands, the first country in the world without stray animals. I know I have the opportunity to help from here, this could be a game changer for many local rescuers in my country.

The logo of is a real paw print of my dog Boy ❤️‍🩹🐶 who died in March 2023 at the age of 17.

I miss him every day, I keep wondering where all that love goes? They say that grief is just love with nowhere to go, but I want to give that love a place and that place is
In july 2023, I had a vision, which came to me all of a sudden, the name, the mission, the logo, what, why and how. Foster Me was in motion and it was born out of love, not only for my eternal love for all animals but for my dog Boy, the inspiration behind Foster Me.

I have been involved in the nonprofit world from a very young age and I always wanted to start my own organization that would allow me to  help animals–an organization where passion, flexibility and fast action leads to saving lives. Back when I was still living in Argentina, I used to rescue animals with my mom. The situation has always been bad, and I really hope I can make a real impact by providing much-needed resources.

On September 17th, 2023 Foster Me was officially registered in the Netherlands, after that it took me weeks to get the basic things going but I was already helping animals in need thanks to the first donations I got from friends.

My wish is to save as many animals as I can and also to help make a lasting change in animal welfare laws in Argentina. In the future, I would love to build a shelter in Buenos Aires.

Foster Me is a volunteer-driven organization and I work with volunteer local rescue groups. The ongoing financial crisis in Argentina is intensifying the challenges faced by stray animals, leading to increased abandonments and neglect. Local rescue groups, already strained, have little to no resources to save lives. Now, more than ever, we need to come together and provide the essential resources to support these organizations in their life-saving efforts.

Foster Me operates as a one-woman show, I am handling everything from social media and website management to fundraising and coordination with rescue groups in Argentina
. Despite being a solo effort so far, Foster Me is already having a significant impact. And I see Boy in every dog I am able to help.

For all the 🐶🐱 out there that need to be cared for, loved, nurtured and fostered. That's why Foster Me exists.

If you have time to help in with: translations (Dutch, Spanish, English) social media, content, design, fundraising or simply would like to share your love for animals with me, please email me to

Valeria Botte Coca
Founder of Foster Me

The making of the logo from Boy’s paw print.

Signing the deed at the notary in Haarlem.